FarMedia Photography

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Here lies my dance and portrait photography, along with animals, flowers, and the muchly feared “miscellaneous”.

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Photography Musings

I’m often asked what equipment I use, I usually say “My eyes and my brain”.
Truth is, a fancy camera isn’t the key, it’s understanding the look you want to achieve.

I primarily photograph people (cosplay, portraits, pinups. art nudes), concerts & dance performances, animals, and roses. These subjects all require very different set-ups, but way more important than fancy camera gear is a great subject, good lighting, and the ability to “see” a good shot.

All that said, my “goto camera” is a Canon 90D with either my trusty Canon 24/105 F4 L series or a 70/200 F 2.8 L series telephoto. Translated: A good C sensor cameras and good glass.

Mina and her new Belly Dance costume. It’s sparkly!


Mina with Ring Light

These shots were taken with an LED “ring light, which produces a lovely light but also produces fascinating circular eye catch-lights.
For more shots, see: Mina Belly Dancer

Many moons ago (2012), I did a series of shoots w Analisa. Here’s a favorite.

Last Updated on 2023-04-24 by Daev Roehr